How to Choose a Dating App to Find Your Ideal Match?

Navigating the world of online dating can sometimes feel like a daunting task, especially when you've been on so many dates and are still waiting for results. Have you ever considered that the problem could be the application you are using? There are some important things to keep in mind when choosing a dating app.

Most applications aren't concerned about the big picture. What do they care if you don't find your ideal match on their site? They already have you as a user. They got what they wanted. Don't even get me started on dating apps when it comes to safety. In this article, we will be breaking down how to choose a dating app based on the most essential features.


This statement may surprise you, but most users probably overlook safety as an essential feature. There are plenty of beginner’s guides to dating apps out there, but do they ever mention safety? With all of the news reports of women being harassed online and even sometimes seriously harmed, you think that would be an application's number one priority. The best dating app features should include safety.

Safety is a massive factor for Iris Dating. I pointed out that the app is being applauded for its actions against fake profiles and catfishers. The bottom line is that when you are choosing a dating app, check out its policy on harassers, fake profiles, and catfishers.

Now that we have covered the importance of dating app safety, what other dating app features should you look for?

Ease of Use

Ease of use is likely one of the first things considered after the price. Think about it. You don't want to have to fight hours on end with an app just to get your profile up. In another previous article of mine, I went undercover to get a better idea of how Iris works. Not only is the navigation system easy to figure out, but it is actually quite fun to use.

Free Messaging

Nothing will make a user leave an app faster than having to pay for the messaging feature. The whole point of the dating app is to be able to contact potential partners. When you are going through the process of choosing a dating app, make sure the messaging is covered under the free plan. Iris Dating allows users to message on the free program and match with mutual attraction.


These are all important features in a good dating app, however, they are not the only ones that should be put into consideration. If you are still lost, it would be a good idea to look into the green flags on dating apps.

The Best Dating App

Is Iris Dating the best dating app? Ultimately, that is up to the users to decide. However, the evidence has shown that Iris is willing to go the extra mile for user safety and a higher success rate for users by focusing on mutual attraction, AI matchmaking, ease of use and messaging on the free plan.