Dating and Relationship Advice

Have you ever wondered why our eyes instantly pick out one face from hundreds of others? What happens in our brain at that moment of instant attraction?

In this article, we will explore the importance of face composition in true attraction, and how it's all in our DNA. We'll delve into the three types of feelings associated with attraction: lust, attachment, and true attraction, and how each is associated with different hormones and chemicals produced in the body. We'll also discuss how most dating apps focus on superficial swiping based on sexual attraction or compatibility based on long lists of requirements, and why this is not enough.

We'll explore how the face is the most important factor in true attraction, and why it encodes a lot of information that is crucial in determining who we find attractive. We'll also debunk some common myths about attraction, including the role of skin color, hair color, and eye color, and how tastes are diverse and unique to each individual.

So, if you're curious about the science of true attraction, then keep reading to discover how face composition and DNA play a crucial role in the attraction between two individuals.

Understanding True Attraction

Now that we have established the importance of face composition in attraction, let's dive deeper into the concept of true attraction. As mentioned earlier, true attraction is associated with dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine chemicals, which are produced by the hypothalamus section of the brain. It is the feeling that goes beyond just lust or attachment and is often described as a sense of connection or chemistry.

Research suggests that true attraction is not just based on physical appearance but also on personality traits, behavior, and other non-physical factors. However, face composition remains the dominant factor in the initial stages of attraction. It is what makes us notice someone and feel drawn toward them even before we get to know them.

But what makes a face attractive? Is it symmetrical features or certain eye color? Surprisingly, our research shows that skin color, hair color, and eye color do not play as big of a role as we may think. Instead, it's the unique combination of various facial features that makes a face attractive.

People are more attracted to faces that are symmetrical and have a certain degree of "averageness." This means that faces that are not too unique or too ordinary are more likely to be considered attractive.

Additionally, certain facial features are associated with specific traits that we find attractive. For example, a strong jawline is often associated with assertiveness and confidence, while fuller lips are associated with sensuality and warmth.

It's important to note that what we find attractive is influenced by various factors, including our culture, upbringing, and personal experiences. This explains why our tastes are diverse and why some people may find a certain facial feature attractive while others may not.

The Science of Face Composition

The face is the most important factor in true attraction, and it is a complex composition of various features that are encoded in our DNA. Our ancestors have passed on their preferences, and our brains are hardwired to recognize and respond to certain facial features. But what are these features, and how do they affect attraction?

Research has shown that symmetry plays a critical role in facial attractiveness. Symmetrical faces are more appealing because they indicate good health and genetic fitness. Additionally, facial proportions are also important. The golden ratio, a mathematical ratio that is found throughout nature and in many famous works of art, also applies to the human face. Faces that adhere to the golden ratio are considered more attractive.

Other factors that contribute to facial attractiveness include facial features such as the eyes, nose, mouth, and cheekbones. The eyes are often referred to as the "windows to the soul" and are a key factor in attraction. The color, shape, and size of the eyes all contribute to facial attractiveness. The nose, although often overlooked, also plays a role in facial attractiveness. A symmetrical and proportionate nose can greatly enhance the overall appearance of the face.

The mouth and lips are also important in facial attractiveness. Full lips, a well-defined cupid's bow, and a symmetrical smile are all considered attractive features. Lastly, cheekbones can greatly enhance facial attractiveness. High and defined cheekbones are often associated with youthfulness and are considered attractive.

It's important to note that while these features are important, they are not the only factors that contribute to facial attractiveness. Each individual's preferences are unique, and what one person finds attractive may not be the same for another. However, by understanding the science behind face composition, we can better appreciate the complexities of attraction.

In conclusion, the science of face composition plays a crucial role in true attraction. Symmetry, proportions, and facial features all contribute to facial attractiveness and are encoded in our DNA. By understanding these factors, we can better understand the complexities of attraction and appreciate the beauty of each individual's unique features.

The Science of Face Composition

The face is the most important factor in true attraction, and it is a complex composition of various features that are encoded in our DNA. Our ancestors have passed on their preferences, and our brains are hardwired to recognize and respond to certain facial features. But what are these features, and how do they affect attraction?

Symmetry plays a critical role in facial attractiveness. Symmetrical faces are more appealing because they indicate good health and genetic fitness. Additionally, facial proportions are also important. The golden ratio, a mathematical ratio that is found throughout nature and in many famous works of art, also applies to the human face. Faces that adhere to the golden ratio are considered more attractive.

Other factors that contribute to facial attractiveness include facial features such as the eyes, nose, mouth, and cheekbones. The eyes are often referred to as the "windows to the soul" and are a key factor in attraction. The color, shape, and size of the eyes all contribute to facial attractiveness. The nose, although often overlooked, also plays a role in facial attractiveness. A symmetrical and proportionate nose can greatly enhance the overall appearance of the face.

The mouth and lips are also important in facial attractiveness. Full lips, a well-defined cupid's bow, and a symmetrical smile are all considered attractive features. Lastly, cheekbones can greatly enhance facial attractiveness. High and defined cheekbones are often associated with youthfulness and are considered attractive.

It's important to note that while these features are important, they are not the only factors that contribute to facial attractiveness. Each individual's preferences are unique, and what one person finds attractive may not be the same for another. However, by understanding the science behind face composition, we can better appreciate the complexities of attraction.

Related article: Did You Know that Attraction is Not Just About Looks?

The Missing Element in Online Dating

The rise of online dating has revolutionized the way people meet and form relationships. With just a few swipes or clicks, users can browse through a vast pool of potential partners, all from the comfort of their own homes. However, despite the convenience and efficiency that online dating provides, there is one crucial element missing from the equation - the ability to gauge true attraction.

As we've learned, face composition plays a significant role in attraction. While online dating platforms allow users to see profile pictures, it's not always enough to accurately determine if there is physical chemistry. Moreover, these photos may not always be an accurate representation of what a person looks like in real life, due to filters, lighting, and angles.

This missing element in online dating is what can make or break a potential relationship. Without the ability to sense true attraction, users may miss out on genuine connections with someone who could be their perfect match.

Fortunately, some dating apps and websites are starting to recognize the importance of face composition in attraction. These platforms are incorporating artificial intelligence, which allows users to find a perfect match based on true attraction. This added layer of communication can help users assess physical chemistry better and make more informed decisions about who to pursue a relationship with.

Overall, the missing element in online dating is a crucial one, and its absence can hinder the success of potential relationships. By incorporating features that allow users to gauge true attraction better, online dating platforms can increase the likelihood of successful matches and lasting relationships.

The Iris Dating Process

The Iris Dating process is a revolutionary new approach to online dating that takes into account the importance of face composition in true attraction. Iris Dating uses advanced facial recognition technology to match users based on their preferences and tastes.

What sets Iris Dating apart from other dating apps is its emphasis on face composition, rather than just physical appearance. By analyzing the user behavior on the application and their tastes, Iris Dating is able to make more accurate matches and increase the likelihood of long-term compatibility.

Of course, the Iris Dating process isn't foolproof, and there are always factors beyond face composition that can influence attraction. But for those who are tired of swiping through endless profiles on traditional dating apps, Iris Dating offers a refreshing new approach that just might lead to true love.


In conclusion, face composition is a crucial factor in true attraction. It has been scientifically proven that certain facial features are more attractive than others, and this preference is hardwired in our DNA. Understanding the science behind face composition can help individuals make more informed choices when it comes to dating and relationships.

Online dating has revolutionized the way we meet potential partners, but it also presents some challenges. The lack of physical interaction can make it difficult to accurately gauge attraction. However, by incorporating elements of the Iris dating process, such as uploading clear, unfiltered photos and utilizing video chat, online daters can increase the likelihood of finding true attraction.

Ultimately, while attraction may seem like a mysterious and intangible concept, it is heavily influenced by biological and evolutionary factors. By taking the time to understand and appreciate the science of attraction, we can improve our chances of finding a meaningful connection with someone who truly captivates us.

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