Things To Look For When Stalking Your Potential Date

So you scheduled a date with that cutie you matched with — now what? Well, there is only one thing left to do: stalk them. I mean, you're basically meeting up with a stranger, and your time is too valuable to waste on someone who isn’t The One. Thankfully the internet makes it easy to find people's red flags. Here are some that you should particularly watch out for.

Tons of Selfies

Instagram is the number one Social Media platform for stalking a potential date. Many people put their Instagram handle in their profile, which makes it easy to check out their feed. It's like they want you to find them. One of the biggest things to look out for are profiles filled with —you guessed it — selfies. We get it, people love selfies, they always get more likes than any other kind of photo. But when people post selfies, they are looking for affirmations. Do you want to be that person always having to fuel their ego? They may never love you more than they love themselves.

Their Ex

This is the whole reason we're creeping, right? We want to get the dirt on their last situation. No one wants to be a rebound, and more importantly, no one wants to date someone whose ex is still in the picture.

The Comments

Here you can find some really crazy family members. I'm talking about the ones who probably shouldn't be on social media. It's crucial you check them out because you might someday have to meet them at a family picnic.  

Also, don't forget to look for your date's “fans.” And when I say fans, I mean people your potential date used to fuck who still feel the need to comment eyes emojis on their stuff.


In fairness, this isn’t a red flag. Many people like kids and wouldn’t mind dating someone with children. But it is something you should know about before going on a first date. Some people are barely ready for a long-term relationship, let alone the task of becoming a stepparent.

So there you have it. These are the top red flags to watch out for when stalking your potential date. These will save you the awkwardness of having to break things off three months from now, when you find out the hard away about their possessive, unhinged, aunt.