5 Date Ideas That Are Way Better Than Dinner and a Movie

People often say that first impressions are everything. So wouldn't you want your first date with someone to be a memorable experience? While the typical dinner + movie idea is romantic, it's just a tad played out — and should occur only after an unforgettable main event.

It’s time to step up your game and plan a first date that is both tasteful and adventurous. Here are five exceptional date ideas that you should consider.

Indoor Rock Climbing

If your relationship doesn't seem to get the lift-off you thought it would, it might be because you only stick to stereotypical dating ventures. Perhaps indoor rock climbing is something you should try out instead, as it's both adventurous and untraditional. You can always go for a bite to eat after the two of you have conquered climbing those plastic boulders!

Attend a Cooking Class

Want to see who's better in the kitchen, you or your date? Attend a cooking class! There are many different classes you can take, from creating full entrees to whipping up dessert. Some companies even offer virtual cooking classes, in case you want to learn from the comfort of your home.

Take an Exercise Class

Taking a yoga class is a great way to align your chi and be at peace during your date. You could take a class in the park, at a studio, or even register for an online tutorial.

If you're feeling adventurous, you could even up the ante by bringing your date to a martial arts class. Martial arts is a fantastic way to form a bond in a relationship and it will keep you in shape.

Amusement Park

If you and your date enjoy roller coasters, then an amusement park is a great place for an unconventional first date. You can stroll around the park getting to know one another better. In between your romantic conversations, you can hop on the rides for a brief and thrilling intermission. After this adrenaline-filled date, you’ll be able to figure out if this relationship is going to survive the ups and downs.

Spa Date

If you need a day of relaxation and are willing to splurge a little, you should think about having a lavish spa date. You and your date can both enjoy a well-deserved day of luxurious bonding time while getting massages, facials, or manicures and pedicures. You can jump in the jacuzzi or the sauna to keep those muscles relaxed and loose. Remember to make the proper arrangements ahead of time, as some places will require reservations.