Cheap Therapy: Simple Ways To Feel Better
Going to therapy can be a total hit to the wallet. But during these unprecedented times full of worry and stress, it might be worth investing in. In addition to therapy, you can also try these helpful, affordable ways to start feeling better. Here are some of our favorites:
Physical movement, no matter how strenuous, can help to make a person feel better instantly. That’s because exercise releases endorphins or “happy chemicals” in our bodies and naturally uplifts our spirit.
Getting your body moving is not only good for your spirit, but also good for your overall well-being. Mentally, it can improve cognitive function, heighten self-esteem, and decrease symptoms of anxiety and depression. Physically, it can improve your heart rate and blood flow and help you sleep better.
Exercising doesn't mean you have to jog ten miles every morning. There are so many different ways to get moving, including yoga, pilates, running, swimming, hiking, walking, kickboxing, and more. There is something for everyone!
Get Lost In A Book
Reading is a wonderful way to ground yourself when you feel stressed or anxious. It allows your mind to drift away from reality and the problems at hand, which gives your mind the rest it needs.
Reading actually promotes the same brain activity as meditation. If you are a regular reader (meaning you read more than 20 pages a day) you will likely have higher quality sleep and fewer problems with anxiety and depression.
Add a cozy blanket, some candles, and a big mug of tea to your reading sesh and you will feel as if you were in heaven.
Maybe you haven’t had a journal since you were a kid, or maybe you haven’t ever journaled at all. But you can’t knock it until you try it, so pick up a pen and start writing.
Many people don’t journal because they simply don’t know what to write about. But that’s no excuse! Journaling is much more effective if it is not planned out and pretty. Making a detailed plan will only make you over-analyze your thoughts, which defeats the purpose of meditative journaling.
Meditative journaling should flow as a stream of consciousness that allows you to constructively put your emotions on the paper. Journaling is a practice of release, which can lead to acceptance of uncontrollable situations and a better understanding of your emotions. Therefore it makes it easier for you to overcome difficult situations in your everyday life.